The Sound of Silence

Created by Regina 11 years ago
Hi Rocky, When home alone, the sound of silence becomes deafening at times. Like thunder in my mind, your death, and surrounding circumstances pound in my head, brings on such grief. I pray with all my heart, that what you didn't find on this earth, you have found in heaven. If anyone deserves the pain and suffering to stop Rocky, its you. You suffered for so long. And always in silence. Never sharing your suffering with anyone. I think that's what kills me the most...your silence. I hear what my sister Mary has gone through, been dealing with for the last 2 yrs. I see how it's affected her, and me and our family. And yes its painful at times, but there is comfort in sharing. There is a connection that eases the pain. I don't know HOW you did it...for so long you suffered in silence? There was such a distance, an emotional pain so deep you couldn't share. Why Rocky? Why wouldn't you let anyone in? No one ever really knew what to do, how to help you, or understood what you were going through. The sound of silence remains deafening to my heart. I am so sorry you carried that burden alone. Please know I love you very much.